Saturday, November 25, 2006

she doesnt even realise

well, some choices are out of reach

Saturday, November 18, 2006

i will never forget today
so it was directors cup day
we had just won our quarter-final
we were watching the other quarter final match
to see who we would be pitted against

so this chinese team was winning this other indian team
with one minute left
suddenly there was a hard challenge and this small chinese guy
was sent flying to the concrete floor
and he took a hard whack on the head
and he started to convulse and like he had fits
his head had cracked open and blood was flowing out
there was a puddle of blood where his head lay

it was just disgusting and sickening
he started to foam at the mouth and he was still convulsing
when the paramedics arrived
we were all sickened by what happened

the worst thing was that it happened like
right in front of me where i was leaning against the wall
i saw everything
and i heard he didnt sign the indemity form

and i have to go back to school tomorrow
to finish up the tournament
my heart is really not in it man
its gonna be so unsettling
i guess just get it over and done with

i hope he is fine
he is gonna be included in my prayers tonight

Thursday, November 09, 2006

its official
the problem lies within
and i guess there is nothing i can do about it

please understand
i am not angry with anyone
i'm not smiling because
i have nothing to look forward to

so yea
if you cant stand me like this
or cant bear to see me like that
i understand
and i wont show my face


smoking is not the answer

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

sheppy can wait
he knows its too late
as he's walking on by

his soul slides away
but 'dont look back in anger'
you heard him say

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i am confused
and conveyancing isnt helping

i wish sch never started

Saturday, November 04, 2006

cant u see they way your acting?
its so annoying
the world doesnt revolve around you
you dont have to make a big fuss over everything that happens to you
in fact, some of the things dont concern you at all

and stop talking to people and start being all sweet
only when you want something
you dont see it, but i cringe everytime you talk bad about someone
cause actually, your not all that perfect either

and its not nice of you to under-appreciate people
people who have sacrificed a lot to be there for you
when no one else would
you can say its not true
but where there is smoke, there is fire

ok bye

btw i like this picture